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Quote of the Week
"So many people keep focusing on where they are instead of where they want to be. That's like programming your current location into the GPS and expecting to go somewhere. It doesn't work."
- Melissa Tiers (Badass author, lecturer, and international hypnosis trainer specializing in practical neuroscience for clinicians!)🌼
This Week's "Subconscious Success" Tip
Have you ever watched a scary movie? Or maybe you've seen a part in a movie or show that had you feeling un-easy? You knew it wasn't happening in real life, and yet, you had a very real response in your body.
Perhaps that experience even influenced your behaviors. I know that I've turned off a movie before or felt too scared to venture down the dark hall to the bathroom. 😆
Well - we also create our own "internal movies" that eventually program our subconscious mind to experience emotions and behaviors on autopilot, whether you're conscious of it or not.
Sometimes those "movies" are supportive of our goals and desires in life, and other times, they're not (especially when the plot of the "movie" involves emotions like fear, worry, or stress).
But what if you took the time to intentionally rehearse internal movies where you're experiencing supportive, positive, and resourceful states?
That's self-hypnosis. Let's talk about it.
How to apply this tip:
(from Melissa Tier's book "The Anti Anxiety Toolkit")
Step 1: Think of a situation in life that you wish was different or where you'd like to be more resourceful (current or future).
Let's take an example of feeling nervous about something that hasn't happened yet. You hope it goes well, but you can't be certain yet.
Step 2: Think about how you want it to go. What might that look like or feel like?
Example: I want my class to go smoothly. I want to be confident and in flow while teaching.
Step 3: Prepare for self-hypnosis. Go to a place where you can be undisturbed for at least 2-3 minutes. You can set a timer if you want to. Sit or lie down so you're comfortable.
Step 4: Get yourself into a light hypnotic state so you can rehearse your "movie".
Pick a spot in front of you to focus on.
Then, diffuse your focus and relax your vision.
Then close your eyes, and think or say "ten", as you breathe in and imagine a wave of relaxation going from the top of your head, down to your toes.
Then open your eyes for a second and then close your eyes and think "nine"...and send another breath and wave of relaxation.
Some people imagine seeing the numbers fading and relaxing right out of their mind.
Keep going like this, opening and closing your eyes and sending a wave of relaxation with your breath, as you count all the way down to one...with each count...noticing how all the muscles in your body are relaxing and how good it feels to be in this state.
Step 5: When you get to "one" in the count down, imagine a movie screen in your mind. Imagine seeing yourself on that screen experiencing what you decided in Step 2 earlier.
In my example, I would imagine seeing myself enthusiastically and confidently teaching and my students being engaged. I might pay particular attention to my posture, facial expressions, and how people are responding to me positively. Maybe I would imagine people coming up to me after to say "wow - that was an amazing class!"
If you can't imagine or see a movie, you can just focus on how it might feel for things to already be how you want them to be.
Step 6: Now, imagine yourself stepping into the movie and stepping into your shoes...and notice what is it like to be there in that resourceful and positive experience? What can you see? What can you hear? What do you feel?
In my example, I might see my class being engaging and smiling. I might hear myself speaking with energy, confidently and people asking me questions. And I might feel how confident I am...how grateful I am to be up there teaching...and having a sense of presence.
Step 7: Stay here as long as you wish. It can be for under a minute, or some people like to go even longer and bring up movies of other possibilities and situations. It's up to you!
Step 8: When you're ready to come out, you can mentally think "1-2-3" and open your eyes. Notice what's different now that you've had this positive, resourceful experience.
Repeat as often as you wish until desired results are achieved!
Why this works (the short version):
Hypnosis is a state of ultra focused awareness, while being relaxed. It leads you to a state of heightened suggestibility, which means you are much more likely to accept new ideas, thoughts, and experiences as true and possible.
Each time you rehearse a supportive & resourceful thought, feeling or behavior, you're programming your subconscious mind to remember it as a "habit". That way, eventually, you'll experience it automatically in real life without you even trying. Cool huh?
Ready to try it?
Next time you have 5 minutes, take some time to put yourself into self-hypnosis and create an inner movie that helps you experience more resourcefulness and positivity! Practice consistently for best results. The more you go through this process, the more your subconscious mind automatically does this easier and easier. Eventually, you might find that just a couple of deep breaths send you into a light hypnosis so you can do this work even more quickly.
Click here if you'd like a quick recording of me guiding you into the light hypnotic state.
That's it! Have questions about this week's tip? Want to share something with me? Connect with me!
Cheers to your success!
-Alina Nikishina
Transformational Coach & Mentor
P.S. How do you think self hypnosis might help you in this moment? Click here to connect and share your experience with me!
My favorite time to do it is when I have something coming up that I'm nervous or worried about, and I'd like to feel more grounded and calm about the situation.
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