
Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter Archive

Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter

Issue 34 - 12/24/23 - Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter: What's Your Wish?

December 24, 20234 min read

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Quote of the Week

“What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't even happened yet.”

-Anne Frank 🌼

This Week's "Subconscious Success" Tip

Would you like to be more intentional this year with reflecting on 2023 and setting yourself up for the 2024 you want to experience?

This week I want to share an old German/Austrian ritual that I am partaking in this year called Rauhnächte. It involves you making 13 wishes for 2024, and if you wish to have a expanded experience with additional activities, I have an incredible guide to share.

Rauhnächte are considered to be 12 holy nights between Christmas and Epiphany. The 12 nights/days symbolize the coming 12 months of the New Year. This is an ideal time for reflection, stillness, and opening of awareness. It's also a time to delve into the wisdom of your subconscious. One of the guides I read talks about the importance of paying attention to your dreams specifically during this time.

How to apply this tip

When I first became aware of this, I found a simple version. Click here to read the article from Anja Poehlmann. In essence, it's this:

  • Take some intentional time to reflect on how 2023 went for you and what you'd like to create and change next year. Journaling is fantastic for this. Even better if you just allow yourself to free write without thinking first.

  • Write down your 13 wishes for 2024 on a separate piece of paper for each, either on the day of winter solstice (which has already passed) or on December 24th. The article I linked above says the wishes should be about you and not anyone else, which personally, I resonate with. Do what resonates with you.

    Put the papers in a jar or bowl where you can mix them up a bit. It's also recommended to write down the 13 wishes in a journal somewhere so you can reflect at the end of 2024.

    A few bonus ideas from me (not from the article):

  • Bonus 1: Take some time to visualize yourself already being in a reality where these have come true. Even if it's 30 secs for each.

  • Bonus 2: Pull a tarot or oracle card. Each day represents a different month (e.g. Dec 24th is Jan, the 25th is Feb, etc.).

  • On the 25th and each day after, take one piece of paper and burn it knowing that it is already done and the universe has "your order". Do not read it.

  • On the last day (if you start today that will be Jan 6th), take the last wish and read it. This one is yours to take care of.


After I shared this in one of my amazing communities, someone who has been doing this ritual for over 10 years also shared this guide that has a MUCH more in depth version of this ritual that involves cleaning, smudging, oracle cards, dream tracking, and other additional daily activities and journal/reflection prompts.

To me, this all sounds like a good time. I'm going to do as much as I can.

Why it works (short version):

This ritual is not backed by modern science 😆, and I don't claim to know how magic works.

However, allowing yourself to have time to reflect and write down what you want to create works because you get a chance to learn lessons from your experiences and express your desires.

Often we become so busy with life that we allow tomorrow to be a repeat of yesterday. We recycle most of our thoughts and habits, which keeps us in the status quo.

The way to create change is to recognize that there's something you want to change...even if you don't know how or why yet. Remember that the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between real and imaginary. Writing down what you want and allowing yourself to visualize already having it sets your subconscious to guide you to physically manifest it.

It's not "woo woo"'re going to have to take action, learn skills, build relationships, make mistakes and learn lessons...AND you'll also be much more aware of opportunities and perhaps even more effortlessly attract resources to make it happen.

Ready to try it?

Check out these 2 articles for the run down and start tonight!

That's it! Have questions about this week's tip? Want to share something with me? Connect with me!


Cheers to your success!

-Alina Nikishina

Transformational Coach & Mentor for Entrepreneurs

P.S. Whether you do the ritual or not - what's one of your wishes for 2024? What do you want to create?

Email me at hello at or DM me on Instagram @heyalinan and speak it into existence! I'd love to co-visualize it with you.

One of my wishes is to host a wellness retreat in June with my Soul Sister and spirit guide in human form, Judy Thurman, where we'll be in nature practicing Qigong, enjoying sound baths, and drinking hot tea listening to ancient stories from the Chinese Sages. I can picture it now! Everything in the Perfect time.

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Alina Nikishina

Alina is a Transformational Coach & Mentor, specializing in subconscious change. She helps conscious leaders and creatives dissolve inner blocks that hold them back from having the success, fulfilment, and impact in life they desire.

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