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Quote of the Week
“Your subconscious mind makes all your words and actions fit a pattern consistent with your self-concept and your innermost beliefs about yourself.”
-Brian Tracy (Motivational Speaker) 🌼
This Week's "Subconscious Success" Tip
In the spirit of the new year, I want to share with you how partnering with your subconscious mind can help you be successful with your 2024 goals!
Researchers suggest that approximately 9% of the folks that make resolutions complete them...why is that?
There are many reasons, but perhaps one of the biggest ones is that we're trying to consciously change automatic, subconscious habits.
A lot of people think that they can stay disciplined and committed because they have strong willpower and desire to change. While that's true for some people, most eventually quit. That's because willpower has "a battery"...and it drains over time.
Your brain is like a field of tall grass, and each habit you form is like a path in that tall grass. The more you walk the path each day, the easier it gets because the grass is flatter. And a big job of your subconscious mind is helping you be more efficient! This is why you don't have to remember or consciously think about how to walk or brush your teeth - you just do it. Those are well formed "paths".
When you want to form a new path (i.e. start a new habit), you'll have to "walk it" to bend the tall grass. It might take a few weeks to have a well formed path that feels somewhat easy to travel on. If you're doing this without any tools, it might feel really hard! A lot of people give up on doing this and just go back to traveling the paths that are already formed!
So...that brings me to what makes forming new path much easier...subconscious methods like Core Transformation and hypnosis! Use them and stop relying on pure willpower as its battery always eventually drains!
How to apply this tip
Here's how I partner with my subconscious to meet my goals:
1) I use a "life wheel" to help me determine where I want change in my life. If I'm setting business goals, I'll make the slices of the wheel be business related like money, sales/marketing, offers, etc.
2) Let's do a specific example. One area I want to change this year is money. So, what exactly do I want? I want to make more of it, and I want to change my relationship to it. I want to stop worrying about money disappearing (even though I have no evidence that this could happen). I also want to be open to receiving. I have a certain mindset from the past that makes it challenging to do so, as funny as that may sound.
3) To make more money, I need to take action in my business. There are specific actionable goals I can set around this and then explore what could possibly keep me from taking that action. For example, I want to book more speaking gigs this year. There's a part of me that's scared about the idea of this. This part is what I can take through a subconscious process like Core Transformation!
4) To improve my relationship with money, I'll need to explore what narratives and feelings come up when I think about money. Right off the bat, the habit of worrying about money disappearing and also hating depending on someone else comes up for me. Those are perfect topics to bring into a subconscious reprogramming session!
Why it works (short version):
Here's what I expect will happen once I do the subconscious work:
Whatever feeling I was working on will dissipate - whether it's fear, worry, discomfort, etc. This will make it much easier for me to focus on what I DO want - therefore attracting more of it. I will book more speaking gigs and soften the connection between money and my emotional state.
I will not need to force this to happen or rely solely on willpower, because I'll be making these changes on a subconscious level via the proven, research backed processes that help new subconscious habit building much easier. The new "tall grass pathways" I form will be much easier to walk.
Ready to try it?
Take a goal you have for 2024 and consider what might prevent you from taking action on it and/or sticking with it long term. Take that habit, feeling, or thought and work with a subconscious method to transform it! You may be able to do this on your own or with a skilled practitioner.
That's it! Have questions about this week's tip? Want to share something with me? Connect with me!
Cheers to your success!
-Alina Nikishina
Transformational Coach & Mentor for Entrepreneurs
P.S. What's one specific goal that you have this year in business or in life? What do you think might prevent you from taking action on it and/or sticking with it long term?
Hit the "reply" button on this e-mail or DM me on Instagram @heyalinan and share with me! I'd love to support you with figuring out what to do subconscious work with.
Also - as a subconscious practitioner, I'd love to assist you with transforming! The method I use most these days, Core Transformation, is very effective at helping one form new habits and kick old ones.
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