
Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter Archive

Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter

Issue 83 - 12/1/24 - Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter: Shift the Direction ↩

December 01, 20245 min read

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Quote of the Week

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."

-Albert Einstein 🌼

This Week's "Subconscious Success" Tip

You know about physical stages of human development (e.g. crawling to running), but what about stages of consciousness transformation?

I learned about these from Connirae Andreas from my training in the Core Transformation method and she also has this awesome YouTube video where she goes over all the stages.

I thought I'd share about these with you over the next few weeks because I found this stuff fascinating! Connirae breaks the "journey of consciousness" up into 7 different dimensions.

Here's the first dimension we'll explore today: "Directionalizing the unconscious"

There are 4 stages to this dimension:

Stage 1: We're unaware of any "problem". In this stage, we're just living life on autopilot without much conscious awareness of what we focus on in life.


Stage 2: We become aware that we automatically (i.e. subconsciously) direct our attention to the negative. This could be thinking of negative future scenarios where things don't work out...and in turn mentally imagining those things happening even if we don't realize it. I've also noticed it when people say things like "I don't want ____". For example, I don't want to be dying, sick, depressed, alone, broke, etc.


Stage 3: We consciously make the shift to re-direct our automatic responses (subconscious) to the positive. We use the power of our subconscious mind to create new mental image pictures where things do turn out where we are content and well. We start to use language like "I want ____" or "I am". For example, I want to be/I am alive, well, content, joyful, loved, supported, abundant, etc.


Stage 4: We let go of needing to direct our subconscious and just experience everything as it "awareness" as it flows.

I personally interpret this as just "being" and flowing with life. We don't rely on external circumstances being any way in order for us to be well and content. We can experience states of BEing without having to have or get something first.

How to Apply This Tip

Consider this for yourself...what stage of this dimension do you find yourself in most of the time?

If you're not already mostly in Stage 4 (most are not), consider what it might look like to move up a stage.

In my experience, I was at Stage 1 until I started getting into self development. I never really gave much thought to where my mind went when thinking of certain things or what language I used to describe my experience.

I think for a lot of people once they start exploring the self development realm, they'll find themselves in Stage 2 or 3 pretty quickly.

It starts with conscious awareness. What are your automatic responses to things?

If you find yourself focusing more on the negative (Stage 2), then how can you start to re-direct your unconscious to the positive (Stage 3)?

When you catch yourself saying "I don't want ___", ask yourself, "what DO I want instead of this?".

If you catch yourself imagining the worst case scenarios, what would it look like to imagine the outcome you DO want? How would you feel when it all works out? Feel that way now.

When you operate mostly from Stage 3, you can begin to practice living from Stage 4...states of BEing and Awareness.

People cultivate this differently. They might sit in silence or practice other inner alchemy methods.

My personal favorite ways of cultivating this have been via the processes I guide my clients (and myself) through now - Core Transformation and Wholeness.

Both of these processes allow one to simply experience profound states of BEing without force or conscious willpower. Through these practices, the unconscious learns that it doesn't have to do or get anything first before it can step into these states of BEing, Awareness, and flow.

Why It Works (The Short Version)

By default, most people focus on the negative and moving away from pain. Scientists think this is due to how we've evolved - by prioritizing potential threats and dangers. Keeping us "safe" is also the main job of the subconscious mind, and safety = stability and things staying the same (even if they're not actually safe for us).

The good news is - neuroplasticity (our ability to change the brain) allows us to build new neural pathways and re-train our brain to focus positive potential outcomes and move towards pleasure. The subconscious learns to feel safe with change.

Eventually - with cultivation and integration of various parts of ourselves - wellbeing becomes a more constant state.

Ready To Try It?

Reflect on which stage you mostly experience life from now, and consider what small steps you could take to live more from the higher stage. Perhaps in some areas of life you're able to live in higher stages more than others.

That's it! Have questions about this week's tip? Want to share something with me? Connect with me!


Cheers to your success!

-Alina Nikishina

Transformational Coach & Mentor

P.S. Want to experience what it's like to move through all the stages and BE in a profound state of BEing at Stage 4?

Schedule a Core Transformation session with me, and I'd love to share this gift with you. To get started, just schedule a complimentary discovery call with me, and let's chat.

P.P.S. Did you stumble upon this blog and want to sign up for my newsletter so you get a fresh one into your inbox each week? Click here.

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Alina Nikishina

Alina is a Transformational Coach & Mentor, specializing in subconscious change. She helps conscious leaders and creatives dissolve inner blocks that hold them back from having the success, fulfilment, and impact in life they desire.

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