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Quote of the Week
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
-Marcel Proust (French novelist) 🌼
This Week's "Subconscious Success" Tip
Let's dive back into exploring the dimensions of consciousness evolution that I learned from Connirae Andreas! Click here for a short recap and last week's dimension if you need it. Also, see Connirae's video here for her take on these.
Today let's look at Dimension 6 - Identity & Beyond!
There are 4 stages to this dimension:
Stage 1: We're not aware that we have a problem.
Stage 2: We're aware that we have a problem, but we don't see any possibility for change because we assume something external (outside of us) is responsible for the problem.
Stage 3: We start to see that there may be more effective strategies to navigating our situation. For example, using more effective communication.
Stage 4: In this stage, we recognize that our identity (our beliefs about how things are/aren't and values) need to change if we want to be able to experience life differently.
There are two sub stages to this.
First, we change on the personal identity level, and yet, there's still a strong sense of "self". We change how we think about ourselves and see ourselves.
Then, we can go beyond personal identity and begin to experience life at a "Beingness" and "Wholeness" level. We can configure how to navigate life's challenges through a Beingness level vs. who we are at the limited "self" level. At this stage, it's not really about who we believe we are or should be...it's more about who we experience our Whole selves to be in the moment.
How to Apply This Tip
Think about a situation in life where you feel stuck or maybe an area where you'd like to see some change. Which stage of this dimension do you mostly find yourself in when considering this? Perhaps you're applying multiple stages at once?
Here's my personal contemplation with this:
My identity (and beyond) transformation journey so far has been around gently detaching from societal roles and expectations from my childhood of who I "should be" and getting to experience more of that "beingness" I mentioned earlier. Perhaps you can resonate in some way?
Back in 2020/2021 when I first started my coaching business, I started to realize how much of my identity was wrapped around my work. Many people knew me (and still occasionally refer to me) as "accountant Alina".
For me, this went beyond a work title. It also meant that I was accepted by my parents as a responsible, hard-working, and worthwhile human that contributed a needed service to society....that I was financially independent and didn't need anyone's help....that in social circles I would have a certain elevated status of acceptance...that I had a sharp mind....that ultimately, I did what I was supposed to in life to be successful. I was also greatly living from the belief that I had life under control and was safe from major derailment because I placed so many safety guards in place. After all, accountants are always needed.
Long story short, I unconsciously took this identity with me as I started my coaching business. I had a pretty hard time applying the same strategies that made me successful in life "out there" to entrepreneurship.
This is when I started stepping in Stages 2 and 3 of the "identity and beyond" dimension and started changing the way I went about things in small, practical ways. For example, I'd change my work schedule and start setting boundaries.
The biggest shifts happened when I realized how much my identity was running the show. The subconscious change work like hypnosis and Core Transformation have gently helped me peel back the layers of conditioned self.
With these tools I've been able to effectively loosen the grip on attachments and connections my mind has made regarding my self-worth and purpose in this world. I've been finding a lot of parts of myself that are very concerned with losing control and want to be practical. With my background, it makes sense. And yet, there are effective, gentle ways of greeting these parts and showing them a different perspective.
For the first time, I've actually gotten to experience in my body what it feels like to "BElong" without having to do anything or get anything in life (It's hard for me to explain it to you logically as it's more of an experience thing...but Core Transformation allows us to step into these kinds of states just by guiding parts of ourselves to their deepest desires/needs).
Now with Core Transformation and Wholeness work, I'm getting to experience more of that Beingness (in the moment) way of living. The best way I can describe it is living life with less attachments about how things should be or who I should be in order to be ok.
Why It Works (The Short Version)
We create our own reality. To me this means your perception filters in your subconscious mind shape your experience of "reality".
Raining outside? Is that a "dreadful, sad day"? Or is it a "peaceful, cozy day?" Both are right. Just depends on how you look at it.
Same goes for everything else in life. Ultimately our identity, who we think we are or "should be", shapes a lot of our experience. Through the perception of "accountant Alina" I saw the need to work as hard as possible so I could feel accepted and loved. My strategy to get my needs met worked for me, but it wasn't sustainable (I didn't know it at the time).
When we change our identity and our beliefs about what is and how things should be, our perception (and therefore experience) of "reality" automatically changes.
When we go beyond the "self" identity and live from a "beingness" level, we can experience even more perspectives at once. The shoulds fall away, so we can more easily honor the ebbs and flows and seasons of life.
Ready To Try It?
Think about a situation in life where you feel stuck or maybe an area where you'd like to see some change. Which stage(s) of this dimension do you mostly find yourself in when considering this? What would it look like to flow through the various stages?
If you'd like to experience this more from a beingness level, I invite you to book a Core Transformation session with me! I offer complimentary, pressure-free chats to make sure we're a good fit first.
That's it! Have questions about this week's tip? Want to share something with me? Connect with me!
Cheers to your success!
-Alina Nikishina
Transformational Coach & Mentor
P.S. What's one aspect of your identity that you've noticed has shifted in the last few years? How has that been for you?
Click here to connect and share with me! I'd love to know more about you.
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