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Quote of the Week
"Some say that my teaching is nonsense. Others call it lofty but impractical. But to those who have looked inside themselves, this nonsense makes perfect sense. And to those who put it into practice, this loftiness has roots that go deep."
-Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching (translation by Stephen Mitchell) 🌼
This Week's "Subconscious Success" Tip
Something you may not know about me is I'm a student of Daoism. I've been blessed to have connected with my teacher in 2019 when I took a Qigong class in Denver to try and relieve some stress from the burnout I had at the time from co-launching a start-up. At the time, I didn't know she'd become my teacher...but wow...it ended up being an incredible journey of learning and growth that is continuing to evolve. (Btw - I'm hosting a hot springs retreat with her in August! Eeek!)
Also btw - if you don't already know - Daoism (aka Taoism) is a way of living (also called a philosophy and religion by some) that emphasizes living in accordance to nature and the ways of the Dao. "The Dao" itself cannot be defined - this is part of the Mystery and fun. ✨
With that, over the next few weeks I want to share with you some Daoist perspectives that have really stretched my subconscious mind and helped me on my growth journey.
Today let's start with this:
Expanding beyond the "good and bad" and "right and wrong" paradigms...these have a lot more entanglement than what we perceive. It's never really one or the other when we zoom out and contemplate the bigger picture.
So, when you find yourself labeling something as bad/good, wrong/right, ugly/beautiful, stupid/smart, impossible/possible, impractical/practical, etc....consider if that's actually the case in the big picture. ☯
How to Apply This Tip
Three neat ways to begin exploring this concept (the wisdom of each Daoist perspective runs deep and reveals itself over time):
1. Watch this 1.5 minute story from the Sages about the Chinese farmer.
2. Try this:
Think of a behavior, feeling or thought you'd like to change that society or even you might label as "bad" or "wrong".
Then, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, put your hand on your heart...and ask yourself "what could possibly be the positive purpose of this [anger]? What is it trying to do for me?". Maybe you'll get an answer right away...maybe not. Either one is ok.
The invitation here is to recognize that every aspect of ourselves is attempting to get some kind of need met, that on a deeper layer is positive for us....commonly it could be safety, acceptance, love, and wellbeing. When we begin to soften the perceptions that we are "bad", "wrong", and "broken"...it's much much easier to transform our inner experiences.
3. Experience a Core Transformation "parts work" session with me! You'll be able to experience first hand how all parts of you have a positive purpose when we are able to kindly meet them and ask curious questions.
Why It Works (The Short Version)
The more we can expand our perspective and consciousness, the more access we have to a sense of ongoing stability, presence, and compassion. From these states of being - what becomes possible for our world?
Science has proven that punishment is not effective in the long term to create change.
So when it comes to aspects of ourselves that we don't like, what would it look like to meet them with a curious mind and learn why they're there in the first place? A lot of people find it much easier to transform behaviors when they're able to zoom out into the bigger picture and explore what purpose those behaviors have and what needs those aspects of you are trying to meet.
For example, someone addicted to alcohol may just be trying to find peace and comfort. If we only work on the surface level of the behavior as being "bad" and something that needs to be fixed by forceful interventions, the person will likely continue to relapse and go into cycles of shame and guilt.
There are always deeper reasons for everything we do and experience.
Ready To Try It?
This week, I invite you to explore the paradigm of "good and bad" and "right and wrong". Watch the short video about the Chinese farmer, try the short exercise to find a positive purpose within, and/or book a Core Transformation session with me!
Remember that your contemplations and wisdom will continue to expand with time should you choose long term exploration.
That's it! Have questions about this week's tip? Want to share something with me? Connect with me!
Cheers to your success!
-Alina Nikishina
Transformational Coach & Mentor
P.S. If you end up trying the exercise with asking yourself about the positive intention of an inner experience, I'd love to hear how that went for you! What answer did you receive from within? (even if it was "nothing" or "I don't know".)
Click here to connect and share with me!
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