
Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter Archive

Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter

Issue 88 - 1/12/25 - Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter: 4 Anti-Stress & Anxiety Quick Tools

January 12, 2025β€’2 min read

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No Audio Version this time! Keeping it short and sweet and there are multiple links to check out with audio.

Text version:

Quote of the Week

"I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains."

β€” Anne Frank (German diarist)

This Week's "Subconscious Success" Tip

This week, I was originally planning on going back to exploring the dimensions of consciousness with you.

Due to the horrific recent events in the southern California, I thought I'd keep it short and re-share a few of my favorite stress and anxiety releasing tools with you instead.


1. "Physiological Sigh" (30 secs - 1 min) - 30 sec demo by Andrew Huberman here

2. Bi-lateral stimulation (1-3 mins) - 1 min demo by Melissa Tiers here

3. Havening (1-5 mins) - 2 min demo by Paul McKenna here

4. "Sanctuary of Peace" clearing & relaxing audio (20 mins)

All of these send the signal to your nervous system and subconscious that it's ok to relax.

Please feel free to share these with anyone you know who may need them.


I hope you and your loved ones are well and safe. 🧑

-Alina Nikishina

Transformational Coach & Mentor

P.S. Mutual Aid LA Network (MALAN) has posted an amazing list of resources for folks who need resources and also places anyone can donate to. You can access it here.

Also, if you or anyone you know was directly impacted by the events in S. Cali and could benefit from emotional wellness support, please contact me here. I'd be happy to offer you a complimentary session to help you reduce or dissolve stress, fear, uncertainty, worry, anger, or just about anything else that causes you internal unease. Be well. Let's take care of each other! πŸ’›

P.P.S. Did you stumble upon this blog and want to sign up for my newsletter so you get a fresh one into your inbox each week? Click here.

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Alina Nikishina

Alina is a Transformational Coach & Mentor, specializing in subconscious change. She helps conscious leaders and creatives dissolve inner blocks that hold them back from having the success, fulfilment, and impact in life they desire.

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