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Quote of the Week
"Tension is who you think you should be, relaxation is who you are."
-Chinese Proverb ๐ผ
This Week's "Subconscious Success" Tip
This week, let's continue our journey through the "dimensions of consciousness evolution" that I learned from Connirae Andreas (see her original video here). If you missed the last two, check out #1 here and #2 here on my blog.
3rd Dimension of Consciousness Evolution: Going from force to no force
There are 4 stages to this dimension:
Stage 1: We're stuck in a problem and don't think change is possible.
Stage 2: We start to open up to the possibility of change and think "if I'm going to change this, I need a breakthrough method." We start to rely solely on willpower and manually over-ride our internal objections to help us create change...both of these are considered "force" on the system. Sometimes this can work, and other times we run out of steam and the change doesn't stick because we try to consciously override subconscious mechanisms that are there to keep us safe.
Stage 3: We're creating change with subtle force. Connirae says that most methods used in NLP can fit into this stage. For example, check out this Circle of Excellence exercise I wrote about a while back. Here we're accessing positive experiences from the past to gather resources we need now. We're not just forcing ourselves to think "I am confident!", we're actually accessing moments from the past where we felt confident so we can more easily experience it now.
Stage 4: No force or pressure is used. We follow our system's own intelligence and yearnings and invite it to relax. We open ourselves up to living more from our wholeness and including everything that may come up.
Note: None of these stages are "good" or "bad" necessarily...the key takeaway here from my perspective is that we don't have to use strong force to create profound change that's lasting. This dimension is inviting us to explore what living from "no force" would look like. Sometimes exercises that would fit into Stages 2 or 3, for example, can create an AMAZING shift for our wellbeing. Just know this isn't always necessary or even most effective.
How to Apply This Tip
With this dimension, consider how you've been approaching working with your inner challenges lately.
What degree of "force" do you sense you're using? Do you tell yourself to "stop thinking/feeling this way" or are you primarily relying on strong willpower to do things?
This reminds me of how I was before I found subconscious change work. I used to pride myself on having a super-charged willpower and was always doing things no matter how I felt!
When I was getting coached around limiting beliefs, I'd be pretty harsh with myself when fear or stress would come up....trying to force myself to "think happy thoughts" and was labeling negativity as "bad". Sometimes it would work, and other times, I'd end up feeling shameful that I couldn't figure out how to change these patterns.
Then, I entered the world of subconscious change work. I started to use things like NLP methods to help me out of funks. I learned how to access "resource states" and stop panic attacks with simple movements. I started using my breath to move emotions through. Change started to come so much more easily...and...I still had to rely on repetition of these tools I used in order for things to stick even though they created ease fast.
And finally...I discovered Core Transformation (CT). With this method, I now work directly with my system's intelligence where I include everything that comes up. This allows me to discover the deepest yearnings and needs of my unique system and reconnect it back to the knowing that I truly already have everything I need inside.
I proceed gently, compassionately, and without force...which in my experience, has created change with much more ease. It's been such a relief knowing I don't have to stuff down negativity anymore because I know there's a positive purpose behind it. CT helps us discover this purpose and transform it into resourcefulness.
Why It Works (The Short Version)
Our subconscious mind's job is to keep us safe and well. When we're developing and going through life, we start to develop subconscious programs around what's "safe" and what's not.
Sometimes change that would actually be very positive for us equates to us somehow not being fully "safe" or well in our subconscious mind. Sometimes it doesn't make much sense or doesn't seem like a big deal, but to the subconscious mind, whatever we're trying to do is a very real "perceived threat".
For example, if someone has done everything possible to try and lose weight and they still can't, there might be subconscious safety mechanism that's in place. Maybe there's a program that says "if you lose weight, you're going to be judged and abandoned"...even if it's not true.
When we force and rely on willpower - we attempt to consciously override these subconscious programs that are there to keep us safe and well, and it often doesn't work.
This is why working with the intelligence of our system and its timing for change using methods like Core Transformation can be very effective.
Ready To Try It?
This week, I invite you to notice...where do you use the most force and rely on willpower to create change, and if that hasn't been working for you as effectively as you'd like, consider if you could use a "subtle force" method like something in the NLP family or a "no force" method like Core Transformation!
That's it! Have questions about this week's tip? Want to share something with me? Connect with me!
Cheers to your success!
-Alina Nikishina
Transformational Coach & Mentor
P.S. If you'd like to try Core Transformation, as a Certified CT Coach, I offer single sessions for $150 (price current as of 12/15/24)!
Just book your complimentary discovery call with me to get started so we can go over possible topics and questions ahead of time.
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