
Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter Archive

Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter

Issue 86 - 12/22/24 - Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter: EOY Manifestation Ritual! ✨

December 22, 20244 min read

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Quote of the Week

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

-Ghandi 🌼

This Week's "Subconscious Success" Tip

Want to do a cool ritual with me to help you manifest your 2025 goals?

I did it at the end of 2023 and quite enjoyed checking in on my goals and notes throughout this year. I'm happy to report they all mostly came to fruition or are well on their way! 👏

It's an old German/Austrian ritual called "Rauhnächte" - the 12 holy nights between Christmas (Dec 25th) and Epiphany (Jan 6th). Each of these 12 nights symbolizes a month in the upcoming year, and it's a great time for reflection, awareness, and stillness.

It's also a time to delve into the wisdom of your subconscious. One of the guides I read talks about the importance of paying attention to your dreams specifically during this time.

How to Apply This Tip

Check out my blog from last year for details!

Here's a snapshot summary of the simple version of this ritual:

1) Take time to reflect on 2024 and what you'd like to create in 2025. This blog could be of great help for this. I love using life wheels to help me goal set!


2) Write down 13 wishes on a sheet of paper with spaces in between each. The rituals I read about suggested that those wishes be about you, not others.

Take a photo. Then cut up the paper so that each wish is its own strip. Put them in a jar or bowl to mix them up.

A few bonus ideas:

Bonus 1: Take some time to visualize yourself already being in a reality where these have come true. Even if it's 30 secs for each.

Bonus 2: Make a phone note where you have 1) the pic of all your wishes at the top; 2) pics of your tarot/oracle card with descriptions with what month they correspond to. (see below)


3) On the 25th and each day after, close your eyes and take one piece of paper from your jar/bowl and burn it knowing that it is already done and the universe has "your order". Do not read it.

Bonus idea: Pull a tarot or oracle card. Each day represents a different month (e.g. Dec 25th is Jan, the 26th is Feb, etc.).


4) On the last day (if you start on Dec 25th, that will be Jan 6th), take the last wish and read it. This one is yours to take care of.

Why It Works (The Short Version)

What we direct our subconscious mind to focus on expands!

Our attention is in a lot of places these days...taking the time to reflect and intentionally create helps us be more successful with our growth and life goals.

For me personally, looking at my list that I crafted in Dec '23 felt really good because I can see that I'm on track and where I'm still working through stuff. I get to celebrate my progress and the magic that happened this year!

Ready To Try It?

Check out my blogs from last year with a more detailed description of how to do the Rauhnächte ritual and how to set your goals for 2025! Then, carve out some time to play and dream this week.

That's it! Have questions about this week's tip? Want to share something with me? Connect with me!

This is the last newsletter of 2024 as I'm taking some time off to rest and reflect. I'll be back with you on January 5th, and we'll continue our journey of consciousness evolution that we started this month and contemplate more subconscious success tips!


May you and yours have a gentle holiday! Thank you for reading.

-Alina Nikishina

Transformational Coach & Mentor

P.S. Whether you do the ritual or not - what's one of your wishes for 2025? What do you want to create?

Click here to connect and share with me! I've been dreaming of a Costa Rica hot springs trip and also have some exciting financial goals!

P.P.S. Did you stumble upon this blog and want to sign up for my newsletter so you get a fresh one into your inbox each week? Click here.

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Alina Nikishina

Alina is a Transformational Coach & Mentor, specializing in subconscious change. She helps conscious leaders and creatives dissolve inner blocks that hold them back from having the success, fulfilment, and impact in life they desire.

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