
Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter Archive

Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter

Issue 94- 2/23/25 - Subconscious Success Sunday Newsletter: Beyond Self Improvement

February 23, 20257 min read

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Quote of the Week

"When I write memoir, I’m undoubtedly in search of wholeness. Maybe I’m trying to resolve something, heal a wound, redeem some part of myself that has been orphaned or lost, or give a voice to what has been silenced. Maybe I’m trying to step into my truth. Maybe I’m trying to reveal myself to myself….The surprise is always this. The deeper we delve into our own lives, the more likely we are to tap into a universal experience. We find the portal to everyone."

-Sue Monk Kidd (American Author) 🌼

This Week's "Subconscious Success" Tip

Are you interested in expanding your consciousness? Or perhaps reaching deeper layers of connection with yourself, others, humanity, nature, or Spirit?

When most people think about doing inner work, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is working with things that make us feel stuck in some way.

Lots of folks work with things like habits they want to change, negative self talk, low confidence/self-esteem, fear, stress, money mindset, etc.

All that is great...I do this myself...aaand there's also much more to explore to experience even deeper layers of transformation.

From my experience, working with these deeper layers has brought a lot more neutrality to my life.

More neutrality = more access to:

  • Day-to-day emotional stability

  • Being less triggered by people and life's events/current world chaos

  • Joy and wellbeing

  • Being able to see the "big picture" view of things

  • Intuitive downloads

  • Creativity, vision, and purpose

  • Being able to meet people where they're at and having compassion regardless of us being in disagreement about our views

  • Better health & self-healing

  • Living in the present moment

  • and much more!

Here are some areas I've been exploring in the last few months that I have found fascinating:

  • "Limited self" structures - take moment to connect with any sensation you feel in or on your body. Then say to yourself or out loud..."I am noticing this sensation in [location of where it is in your body or around you]". Question is - where is the "I" that notices? If you ask yourself this question, you'll find another location...and you can go from there.

  • Inner authority structures - aspects of ourselves that set the rules, how things should/need to be. This could also be explored through self-judgement or judgement of others and situations that generate shame/guilt within.

  • Feeling like something is missing, emptiness, feeling like you can't be complete or whole without something. For example, this could be experiences of wanting to be needed or chosen, to be liked, or seeking fulfillment through a relationship or career.

  • Attachments and aversions - really wanting something to happen and in turn having a strong aversion to the opposite happening. For example, "I really want a successful business, and I really don't want to fail".

  • What aspects of others (or yourself) do you admire and see as "good"? What aspects do you criticize or see as "bad" or undesirable?

  • Dreams - every aspect in the dream is a representation of you

  • Roles and identities we take on - could be something more common like "daughter/son", "friend", or whatever you title is at work...or it could also be something more subtle like identifying with a certain emotion like "I'm a worrier" or a common past experience like "I'm someone who always gets sick during flu season". These identities are a great way for us to relate in society, and also, they can sneakily limit our potential.

  • Integrating what we label as "other" or aspects in others we don't identify with...for example, noticing a person's behavior and thinking "I'm not like that" or "I could never do that". Also thinking "they made me feel ____" (could be something we label as "good" like love or something "bad" like anger - both sides of the coin are interesting to explore).

There are many more topics to add to this, but I thought I'd share a few to perhaps get some creative juices flowing within you!

The tip here really is - working with your subconscious mind and doing inner work can go beyond can also help you evolve on an energetic and consciousness level, which to me, grants us the ability to have a more magical human experience.

How to Apply This Tip

Take any one of the topics I mentioned above, and use your favorite subconscious change work or inner work method to explore them!

The main methods I've been using to explore these are the Wholeness work and Core Transformation, created by Connirae Andreas (if you've been a reader of this newsletter for a bit - you likely already know I'm a big fan girl haha!).

Wholeness work, for example, gives a direct way to work with the "I" aspects of self (and the others I listed above) - you can experience it by clicking here and following along with Connirae.

With Core Transformation (or another "parts work" method) you could work with the part of yourself that, for example, judges others for some behavior or way of thinking.

Of course, other methods could work as well! You could ask AI to create some journaling prompts for you around these topics...or even suggest what kinds of self-help methods could help you explore these from different angles.

A few that are coming to my mind, besides CT and Wholeness, are journaling, EFT tapping, and self-hypnosis.

Why It Works (The Short Version)

I believe exploring these aspects of ourselves works to evolve our consciousness on a deeper layer because most people don't think about these aspects (I sure didn't).

Perhaps this is because these things are labeled as "how things are" or are normalized. For example, it's normal for me to identify as a coach and most people would not see an issue with this. However, how might this identity be limiting me? What kind of subconscious programs pair with this identity?

Or, I might get triggered and judge someone who is being rude or inconsiderate, which most people would deem normal too. But how is my judgement creating a perception of separation between me and this person? What aspects of myself am I not accepting or deeming as "bad"? This subconsciously creates a level of stress in the system.

I also think that the more we perceive separateness and don't also recognize the Wholeness in everything at the same time, the more we feel separated, stressed, and like something is missing. Exploring these aspects helps us recognize more of this Wholeness within ourselves and others.

Ready To Try It?

Want to explore some of these aspects within yourself? Pick a a category from above that sounds curious and use your favorite inner work method to explore.

You could use something as easy as journaling (consider asking AI for prompts) or if you want to dive even deeper, book a Core Transformation or Wholeness session with me! Click here to schedule a free chat about it first.

That's it! Have questions about this week's tip? Want to share something with me? Connect with me!


Cheers to your success!

-Alina Nikishina

Transformational Coach & Mentor

P.S. What's one aspect of self mentioned today that calls out to you to explore?

Click here to connect and share with me! I've been really curious about the dream work specifically. I have multiple recurring themes in my dreams that I've had for years now...funny enough, one of them is about toilets and another about being late to traveling on a plane. Hmmm...

P.P.S. Did you stumble upon this blog and want to sign up for my newsletter so you get a fresh one into your inbox each week? Click here.

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Alina Nikishina

Alina is a Transformational Coach & Mentor, specializing in subconscious change. She helps conscious leaders and creatives dissolve inner blocks that hold them back from having the success, fulfilment, and impact in life they desire.

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