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Quote of the Week
"Earth Mother, you who are called by a thousand names. May all remember we are cells in your body and dance together."
-Starhawk (Author) 🌼
This Week's "Subconscious Success" Tip
Today we'll finish exploring the dimensions of consciousness evolution that I learned from my teacher Connirae Andreas! To give you a short recap, here are the dimensions we explored in the last month or so. Click on each link for a recap:
1 - From negative bias to positive and then to just experiencing all as is
2 - From external to internal and then to inner essence
6 - Identity and beyond identity
Let's now explore Dimension of consciousness evolution #7- going from hierarchical to equal. There are 4 stages to this dimension:
Stage 1) We experience relationships in terms of hierarchy. The other person is either lower or higher than us. One of the parties is better/worse, has more/less power, or is more/less important. Often times we see the solution as being better than or "higher" than someone.
Stage 2) We recognize that seeing relationships in terms of hierarchy creates problems for us, but we don't yet know how to resolve that. We recognize that having higher status is not the solution, but we don't know what to do except lower our status, which doesn't tend to work long term either.
Stage 3) We experience being an equal with everyone on a deeper level. We recognize that even though our lived experiences and who we have become as unique humans may be greatly different, and yet, we share a similar inner essence and all have intrinsic value and worth. We can see "eye to eye" with people.
Stage 4) We experience a sense of "oneness" with everyone and everything, while respecting individual autonomy, personal choice, and responsibility. To me this is like recognizing our greater connection to the Whole, while at the same time remaining separate as a human vessel.
How to Apply This Tip
Consider how you mostly experience yourself in relationships. Which stage do you find yourself in, on average? Perhaps it's different with different people or contexts? What would it look like to explore being in different stages?
Here's my personal contemplation of this:
Like a lot of of people, I started learning about power and hierarchy dynamics as a young child. My parents were my first authorities that I learned to place "higher" than me. I also learned that pretty much anyone older, with more life/educational experience, or political power than me was "higher" as well, and it was important for me to follow them if I wanted to be well, successful, and loved.
I also remember being compared to other kids as being "better" or "worse", and I very much recall certain types of people being labeled as having that up/down hierarchy.
So much of the first half of my life was devoted to being being in that "higher" position when it came to academics, career, and being a "well behaved person" and also fawning to a "lower" position when I was in front of people of power, greater age or experience.
Of course this caused problems for me. As a child, it was painful to be compared or scolded when I didn't meet expectations.
As an adult, I experienced a lot of people pleasing tendencies and pretty consistently put too much on my plate. I was always a top student and finished a master's in accounting - because I knew this would put me into a "higher" position in my parents' and society's eyes. Rejection and failure really stung. It was a constant striving out of fear of losing that acceptance. That's stressful.
My journey to the 3rd and 4th stages came when I started intentionally focusing on inner work around the topic of self-worth and also studying Daoist concepts.
I started with a lot of self awareness exercises and exploring beliefs about myself that used to run on autopilot. I noticed a lot of comparison, shame, fear of failure, doubt, and verbal self abuse.
I started with hypnosis to help me create some openness and ease. Then when I found Core Transformation, I actually started to experience more of my inherent value.
I remember crying from relief when for the first time I got to experience what it's like to truly not have to do anything or be a certain way to be Loved or to BElong as a soul on this planet.
And because this is available for me, it's available for you too.
I'm nowhere near perfect...I have loads of subliminal, societal programming, internalized power dynamics, and harmful unconscious biases still to explore and transform...and yet I feel that I'm on the path.
Today when I hear myself saying "I'm not like that" or "I could never behave/think/feel that way", it's an automatic invitation for me to bring that aspect into my inner work. Because I honor that if I can recognize something in another, it exists within me too. And by shunning that aspect in them, I shun it within myself...which creates a stress to my system. Stress in the system ultimately creates dis-ease to some degree.
And this works the other way around...if I get the sense I'm putting someone on a pedestal and saying "I could never be that great", I explore and integrate those aspects too.
The end results? It helps me have more compassion for myself and others. I'm able to be more present, being more of myself in the world. I'm able to heal and grow through connections and intimate relationships. It feels purposeful.
Why It Works (The Short Version)
On the macro scale, hierarchical dynamics are part of the foundation of our world's greatest challenges. To a great degree, many folks have become disconnected from their relationship to nature, our Earth, and our collective as a whole. To some degree, we've each inherited the tribal "us vs. them" mentality.
Today we have institutionalized racism, white supremacy, all sorts of social injustice, gynecide, war, animal and sea life extinction, a climate crisis, and more.
On a more micro scale, perhaps you've grown up like me and see how hierarchies create challenges in your personal life. Maybe you don't yet intimately know your unique inner brilliance and inherent worth because you've grown up to believe that it has to look or be a certain way. Maybe that creates some kind of unease in your system...to not feel whole and complete.
If any of this touches your heart, I invite you to explore this dimension.
Ready To Try It?
This week - consider how you mostly experience yourself in relationships. Which stage of this dimension of consciousness evolution do you find yourself in, on average? Perhaps it's different with different people or contexts? What would it look like to explore being in different stages?
Might be fun to your own contemplation like I did above as a journaling exercise too.
Also, if you're interested in exploring relationships through a different perspective, book a Core Transformation session with me! It's wonderful for exploring and gently transforming subconscious hierarchical biases within yourself. Click here to book a free discovery call first to confirm we're a good fit.
That's it! Have questions about this week's tip? Want to share something with me? Connect with me!
Cheers to your success!
-Alina Nikishina
Transformational Coach & Mentor
P.S. Which of these dimensions of consciousness did you find the most interesting?
Click here to connect and share with me! I'd love to hear from you. I personally have a hard time choosing, but I really enjoyed the contemplation from today's dimension also the one about going from force to no force (perhaps one of my favorite aspects of the Core Transformation work).
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